All Black Ops 6 Mastery Camos And How To Unlock Them

💡 Highlights

  • In Black Ops 6, there are 12 mastery camos across Multiplayer, Zombies, and Warzone, each with specific challenges.
  • The camo system is redesigned so players can start earning camos immediately without leveling up weapons.
  • There are 33 weapons to unlock as players reach new levels, with each weapon offering unique camo challenges.
  • To progress, players begin with Military Camos, earned by completing 100 headshots or specific kills. Special, Gold, Diamond, Dark Spine, and Dark Matter camos require increasingly complex kill challenges.

Black Ops 6 offers 12 mastery camos and each one has different challenges depending on zombies and multiplayer.  Both multiplayer and Zombies have four Mastery camos each, surprisingly this time around even Warzone has its own four sets of Mastery camos you can unlock. The mastery camo grind is now a yearly tradition for all of the players of Call of Duty. We also got a full breakdown of how the new camo system works. 

What Is The Mastery Camo System in Black Ops 6?

The Camo system in Black Ops 6 is a hybrid from the old camo system all the way back in Black OP 2 and the new camo system we saw in Modern Warfare 3. One huge improvement about this new system is that no weapon levels are involved. You don’t have to level up a weapon before you can start grinding camos and you can unlock all the camos for the weapon without even having it Max rank. This alone is going to save a lot of time and a lot of headaches.  

Dark Spine Black Ops 6 Camo

How Mastery Camo System Works in Black Ops 6

When you start grinding a weapon, first you have to get the nine military camos. These are the same camos for all weapons in the game mode. The first nine camos, you unlock in multiplayer for all weapons are going to look the same. Those camos can only be used on the weapon you unlocked it for. The Military camos work like the camo system in the Cold War. In Cold War, when you’re grinding out a weapon then all of the camos you unlocked could only be used on that weapon you unlock them for.  


There are 33 unlockable weapons that you can unlock after reaching certain levels in the game.

Unlocking these weapons requires you to reach a specific level. Some of the weapons are obtained at the initial stages of the game. Once you reach all the way to level 55 (Max level), you’ll see that you have done it and you can access any weapon that you want to play with. The camos of each weapon make it more attractive and each time you hit a certain milestone, you will unlock a new camo for the weapon

  • XM4 – Assault Rifle 
  • AK-74 – Assault Rifle
  • AMES 85 – Assault Rifle
  • GPR 91 – Assault Rifle
  • Model L – Assault Rifle
  • Goblin MK2 – Assault Rifle
  • AS VAL – Assault Rifle
  • CIGMA 2B – Launcher
  • HE-1 – Launcher
  • PU-21 – LMG
  • XMG – LMG
  • GPMG-7 – LMG
  • SWAT 5.56 – Marksman Rifle
  • Tsarkov 7.62 – Marksman Rifle
  • AEK-973 – Marksman Rifle
  • DM-10 – Marksman Rifle
  • Baseball Bat – Melee
  • 9mm PM – Pistol
  • Grekhova – Pistol
  • GS45 – Pistol
  • Stryder .22 – Pistol
  • Marine SP – Shotgun
  • ASG-89 – Shotgun
  • C9 – SMG
  • KSV – SMG
  • Tanto .22 – SMG
  • PP-919 – SMG
  • Jackal PDW – SMG
  • Kompakt 92 – SMG
  • LW3A1 Frostline – Sniper Rifle
  • SVD – Sniper Rifle
  • LR 7.62 – Sniper Rifle

How To Unlock Every Black Ops 6 Camo?

Unlocking every camo in Black Ops 6 is a rewarding journey filled with various challenges for each weapon. This part will walk you through each step to unlock Military, Special, Gold, Diamond, Dark Spine, and Dark Matter camos, helping you master every camo with ease.

Step 1: Military Camos

For every submachine gun, shotgun, light machine gun, assault rifle, marksman rifle, sniper rifle, and pistol, the Military camo challenges are the same. Unlock the military for each gun by getting 100 headshots with your equipped weapon. In order to get military camos for the Launchers, you must achieve 50 kills. However, the scorestreak destruction with the Launcher can also let you gain military camo for it. 

Step 2: Special Camos

Once done unlocking all the military camos for every weapon, there are some special challenges unlocked for you. Completing all the special challenges lets you unlock the Special camos for that weapon. The special camos for the XM4 are Machina and Muddled. Unlocking the Muddled camo for the XM4 requires you to get 30 kills after sprinting with this weapon. Get 30 kills without taking damage from the enemies to unlock the Machina camo.  

Step 3: Gold Camo

Every single gun in the game must have Gold Camo unlocked. Achieve 100 Headshot kills with each weapon before jumping in to complete two challengers to get access to the Special Camo, and at last a final challenge to get the Gold Camo. Once your nine military camo and two special camos have been unlocked for a single weapon, you’ll earn access to the gold camo challenge. 

For every weapon in the game except for the launchers, the gold camo challenge is getting double kills. As you’re playing on NukeTown and Faceoff, double kills should happen so frequently for the majority of weapons this should be a breeze. For the melees, double kills are easy if you’re in core for the knife and hardcore for the baseball bat. 

Step 4: Diamond Camo

Now when Gold Camo has been unlocked for an entire weapon category, you will unlock the Diamond Camo challenges. You are required to get three kills without dying 10 times. This will also stack as if you get six kills in a single life which means you unlock 2 Diamond Camo and if you get 12 kills that’s four. As long as you’re not dying three kills or anything in multiples of three is going to count once. 

Step 5: DarkSpine Camo

Once Diamond has been unlocked on all 33 unique weapons then you’ll earn access to the dark spine challenge which is getting three triple kills. You have experience with double kills already, so now you’re converting one more kill into the sequence of killing enemies as fast as possible. 

This is where you might not want to play on NukeTown and switch the Faceoff playlist. The maps in Faceoff are a little bit smaller and will allow you to get more multi-kills which includes triples. If you’re ever struggling with camo challenges then always put them in hard course. You need to adapt to the game, put yourself in situations, and learn how to get triple kills.


The easiest thing you can do to get triple kills is to play objective modes.

Domination and Hardpoints always have enemies around the main objective which means there’s a greater chance to get triple kills

Step 6: Dark Matter Camo

Unlocking the Dark Spine Camo for all 33 weapons in the Black Ops 6 also unlocks the Dark Matter Camo Challenges. The final camo challenge camo is going to be three bloodthirsty medals to unlock the Dark Matter camo. The five kills in a single life without dying for all weapons let you unlock the Dark Matter camo in the game. You already did this with Diamond already except you’re going to get two more kills any single life and it’s only three times.


You don’t need to force yourself to get a bunch of these additional kills. Don’t die and face stack in multiples of five. 5, 10, and 15 in a single life, that’s not going to make progression towards this challenge.

It’s not super demanding for something like Assault Rifles and Submachine guns. For the snipers, if you’re not the most accurate player then you might need to play really slow or resort to bigger maps. On bigger maps, enemies are going to have a harder time finding you, so with a sniper. You can stay at a distance from your enemy and get easy kills and that could go for any other weapon as well out. 

Step 7: Choose Boosting Service

Choosing BO6 boosting from services like Immortalboost is a good option that the players can utilize if they’re busy in their daily routine life or don’t want to grind for all Mastery camo. Choosing a  boosting service is fast and effective due to the professional COD BO6 boosters that will get you all Mastery camo on your behalf without using any kind of hack, script or bot lobbies. 

Best Strategies For Unlocking The Mastery Camos In BO6

Unlocking all Mastery Camos in Black Ops 6 requires dedication, strategy, and a smart approach to each challenge. This guide covers the best tips and tricks to help you efficiently complete camo objectives and showcase your skills in the game.

Stick to High Ground

The best way to grind the Mastery camo is to stay on high ground or higher areas. Seeing an operator’s head from above is not only a massive advantage but it can also put you above then annoying enemies that just seem impossible to get a headshot at ground level. 

Dark Matter Black Ops 6 Camo

Use Smaller Maps for Gold Camo

Use the smaller maps for the Gold camo mastery. Playing in larger maps is not good if your goal is to obtain a Gold camo for your primary weapon. If you average just two headshots for every 10 kills you get and you finish a game with just 10 kills then it’s going to take a very long time to get to 100 headshots. 

Whereas on a smaller map in the same time period, you might get 40 kills which would mean you’ll get eight headshots rather than the original two. Might not sound like much of a difference in small numbers but with the hundred headshots required, you’re going to save yourself a lot of time in the long run. 


Use the attachments that are designed around recoil control, especially horizontally. Your only focus should be to get headshots, so worrying about your movement speed doesn’t mean you’re missing all of your shots. Don’t damage that ADS speed as we want that nice and snappy also. Attachments like muzzles, under barrels, and grips are very important when it comes to recoil control but can also help ADS speed. 

Hardcore Mode

You can farm your camos while playing in a Hardcore game mode. This mode is especially effective for getting headshots as everyone dies so fast. You can even run into trolls on your team while using this mode regardless of how fast the other team dies. This mode cannot be faster as it highly depends on your playstyle. 

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Go for Specific Weapons

Snipers, Melee weapons, and Launchers are difficult weapons to get a kill with as compared to Assault rifles, SMGs, and LMGs. These three weapon types cover nearly 50% of the total weapons that the Black Ops 6 offers. 

Final Thoughts

Unlock all your Mastery camo in Black Ops 6 by grinding through every camo challenge for Military, Special, Gold, Diamond, Dark Spine, and Dark Matter. Your first goal is to unlock all your weapons by reaching their designated level. Unlock Military camo by getting 100 kills with your equipped weapon. Complete two special challenges to obtain a special camo for that weapon. Unlock Gold Camo by simply getting 10 double kills or better. Diamond Camo is unlocked by getting 3 Kills without dying 10 times and Dark Spine Camo by getting 3 Triple kills or better for all 33 weapons. 

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